Yearbooks are here!

MMS yearbooks are here! 2020 has been a year like no other, but thanks to our amazing student-led yearbook staff we finished a wonderful book.

Pick up instructions and FAQs below:

1. Pick up dates are August 11th and 12th, from 1pm to 3pm.
2. It will be a drive-through pick up by the bus circle (facing Attingham).
3. Please wear a mask.
4. Please write your child’s FULL name on a sheet of paper and place it on your windshield. If you are picking up multiple books, write ALL names on the paper.
5. Once you pull up, lower your passenger window, a teacher volunteer will hand you your book.
6. If you would like to PURCHASE a book, please write “PURCHASE,” on the sheet sheet of paper and place it on your windshield. They are $80 exact cash or check made out to MMS.


1. 2019-2020 8th graders who have not returned their Chromebooks must bring it to return in order to receive their yearbook.

2. How do I know if I purchased a book? Balfour will send a confirmation email to ALL parents on August 7th. If you do not receive an email, but feel that you purchased a book, please email Mrs. Aguirre at [email protected]

3. Can I pick up multiple books, for friends or neighbors? Yes. Please write all of the names on a sheet of paper and place it on the windshield.
4. What if I can not pick it up my yearbook during scheduled times? A new date be set for September.
5. Any other questions email Mrs.Aguirre at: [email protected]

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